Teaching Pattern Tends to Be Inspirational, Exploratory and Interactive
There are differences on language custom, expressing way and thinking model of different nations, which decides the particularity of the teaching of Audiovisual Translation. Active injection and passive acceptance do not have ideal teaching achievements, so a relatively open teaching model should be exploited to solve the problem. Dean Mr. Li pointed out that translation is a course of recognition and recreation. Therefore, the teaching model of film translation is initiated to be inspirational, exploratory and interactive. This teaching model aims at build up the creativity and critical thinking skills. He also gave an example to further illustrate his view. There is always different translation versions of the same sentence by Chinese and Western translators. Taking an old Chinese saying “巧妇难为无米之炊as an example, Chinese scholars translate it into “Even the cleverest housewife could not make cooking without rice” while the Western scholars translate it into “Even the cleverest housewife cannot make a bread without flour”. Facing with totally different translation versions, the teachers will instruct the students to have further analysis and discussion. “Culture difference decides that people of different mother languages have different thinking patterns. Through the discussion and guidance in teaching, the students can translate the expression with cultural characteristics in a way which the foreigners can well understand,” said by Mr. Li. He hopes that the inspirational exploratory and interactive teaching model can help students better understand the thinking differences of the people from different backgrounds, broaden their horizon as well as enhance their language understanding capability and expressing skills so that the translation quality and communication effects of film and television can be promoted.
Two-way Talent Cultivation Base Station to Improve Practice Capability
The school has also stepped efforts to actual off-campus teaching. “ The students should translate works in real media institution, not doing armchair theoretical practices,” This is what Mr. Li has repeatedly mentioned. In order to provide effective field work and practice opportunities, the School and some relevant institutions and enterprises have built up fixed two-way talent cultivation base station. CGTN, Film Translation and Production Center of CRI, China Film Group Corporation, Huace Film and Television, Startimes and many other enterprises all provide platform for students to have internship.