
In 1954, Communication University of China was first founded as a training center for the Central Bureau of Broadcasting Administration in Beijing, and later reestablished into Beijing Broadcasting College for Professional Training in 1958.

In 1959, the College was upgraded as Beijing Broadcasting Institute approved by the State Council. In 2000, the management of the Institute was transferred from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television to the Ministry of Education, and later it was identified as one of China’s key universities of “Project 211” in 2001. In 2002, East Beijing Campus of China University of Mining and Technology (previous Beijing Coal Management Cadre College) was integrated into Beijing Broadcasting Institute. In 2004, it was renamed as Communication University of China.

As a profession-oriented university, the University devotes itself to cultivating high-level talents in the field of information dissemination and making contributions to the Party and the State's media industry as well as the economic and social development.

In the future, the University shall adhere taking the connotation development as its main line, to take reform and innovation as its driving force, to take quality promotion as its core, and to take a distinctive and high-level way of development.

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 To protect the University autonomy based on laws, the Charter of Communication University of China is enacted in accordance with the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws, regulations and rules.

Article 2 “中国传媒大学” (Zhong Guo Chuan Mei Da Xue) is the official Chinese name and “Communication University of China”, with “CUC” as its abbreviation, is the official English name.

Article 3 The registered address of the University is No.1 Dingfuzhuang East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China. The University website is .

Article 4 The University is sponsored by the State, with educational administrative department of the State Council as its supervisor.  Any merger or termination of the University shall be determined by the State.

Article 5 As a non-profit institution with an independent legal entity, the university independently bears legal liability. The President is the legal representative of the University.

Article 6 The sponsor and supervisor shall support the autonomy of the University in self-running in accordance with laws, regulations and the Charter; provide funding and resources for the University to guarantee its education conditions; appoint and remove the principals in accordance with relevant regulations and apply legislation, planning, funding and other means to manage and supervise the University as well as evaluate the university education quality.

Article 7 The University shall enjoy independent rights in admission, personnel, discipline setup, teaching activities, scientific research, public service, institution setting, international exchange and cooperation and other affairs.

Article 8 The University shall adhere to socialist education and implement educational policies issued by the Party and the State. Facing our society, the University shall operate independently in accordance with laws, implement democratic management and fulfill its social obligations conscientiously.

Chapter II Goals and Missions

Article 9 The University shall be rooted in the media, serve the society, implement an open policy in operation, and build up an internationally renowned and high-level media-oriented university.

Article10 The University shall adhere to connotative development, specialized management, and philosophy of “wholeheartedly seeking quality, consistently pursuing development, devoting all for students”.

Article 11 The University shall take strengthening morality and talents cultivation as its fundamental responsibility, strengthen the political quality and professional ethics of talents in the field of information dissemination, and cultivate practical and creative elites with multi-subject knowledge, strong sense of social responsibility and international vision.

Article 12 The University shall mainly carry out education for full-time undergraduate and graduate students. The University shall provide other forms of education like continuing education to satisfy the social needs and implement education service for the community by providing online education and other modern distance education.

Article 13 The University shall practice the educational concept and model of “Learning in the whole campus, performing on the grand media stage”, and strategically combine theoretical teaching, professional practice and campus cultural activities to achieve universal, all-round, whole-process and whole-space education.

Article14 The University shall serve the State’s developmental strategies, create a new type of culture and media think tank with Chinese characteristics, and provide intellectual support for national and local economic and social development.

Article15 The University shall inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, absorb and draw on the excellent achievements of human civilization, strive to promote the cultural inheritance and innovation, and flourish the development of socialist culture.

Article16 The University shall vigorously carry out high-level and wide-range international exchanges and cooperation, promote the internationalization of higher media education, and continuously enhance the international higher education level.

Article17 The University shall stick to the idea of   “moving fundamental disciplines into the mainstream and the superior disciplines into first-class” in discipline construction, strengthen the construction of fundamental disciplines, consolidate status of dominant disciplines, intensify the characteristics of “focused integration” in the field of information dissemination, and form a coordinately multi-disciplinary system which focuses on journalism and communication, film and television arts, as well as information science and telecommunication engineering.

Chapter III Governance Structure

Article18 The University shall adopt the governance model which is led by the Chinese Communist Party Committee of CUC, which empowers the University’s President to take full responsibility.

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