International Ph.D Students of CUC Adress on 2021 South-South Human Rights Forum


The third South-South Human Rights Forum was held in Beijing on December 8, 2021. The international Ph.D students of CUC Institute of Communication Studies, Daniel Oloo from Kenya, John Demuyakor from Ghana, Donatien Niyonzima from Rwanda and Gopolang Ditlhokwa from Botswana attended the forum and adressed on diverse themes.

The host is speaking at the South-South Human Rights Forum

On the theme of “Anti-Poverty Practices and Realization of the Human Rights to Development in the Context of China,” Daniel Oloo demonstrated China's achievements in poverty alleviation practices and human rights protection from aspects of elimination of poverty, human rights and development, social initiatives, universality and empowerment, and political governance. He thought that human development and human rights protection were inextricably linked in the efforts to eradicate poverty.

John Demuyakor is giving a speech about “Human rights and good governance in Africa”

Based on “Human rights and good governance in Africa: How can Africa learn from China's human rights and good governance success story?” John Demuyakor analyzed the key thematic areas of 2000 AU Constitutive Act (HRA) and challenges to the realization of human rights and good governance in Africa. He summarized the achievements and characteristics of human rights and good governance in China. "African countries can learn from China, which has implemented and established an effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism to promote human rights and good governance," he said.

Gopolang Ditlhkwa is giving a speech on the South-South Human Rights Forum

Gopolang Ditlhokwa gave the presentation on”Harnessing the right-to-health information on COVID-19.” with much emphasis on the role of state-owned television.

The State Council Information Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and China Global Television Network (CGTN) jointly organized the forum under the theme of“Putting People First and Global Human Rights Governance. More than 400 industry experts and scholars from developing countries and international organizations participated online or offline.

Editor: Peng Danlei,

Chief Editor: Zheng Shuyu

Advisor:Zhang Xu
