Title: The 7th Asia University Film Festival Awards announces winners
Time: November 22, 2021
Channel: Online and offline
Introduction: The curtain closed on 7th Asia University Film Festival Awards (7th AUFF) at Communication University of China (CUC) with its winner announcement.Among 44 finalists (23 from China and 21 overseas), one Gold Prize, two Silver Prizes, three Bronze Prizes and eight Jury’s Special Honour Awards were given to winners based on the film’s content, originality, artistic quality, technical completion and expressions.
The event was hosted online and offline by School of Theater, Film and Television,CUC, with its online partner Huanxi Media Group.Director Lu Yang presided over the jury, comprising of South Korean director Hong Ji-yeoung, Japanese screenwriter Takuro Fukuda, director Yao Tingting and producer Wang Yu.During the awarding ceremony, the speech session combines live recording in Beijing and remote recording in Japan and Korea.The closing and awarding ceremonies were broadcast simultaneously on CUC official website, Huanxi Media Group and Bilibili.
Editor: Wang Ying
Advisor: Zhang Xu