The 2018 13th Annual Asian Media Forum


The 13th Asian Media Forum, co-sponsored bythe Communication University of China and the Korea Foundation for AdvancedEducation, will be held in Beijing on June 8 (Friday) and September 9(Saturday). The conference was organized by the Asian Media Research Center ofthe Communication University of China, the Mobile Internet and Social MediaResearch Center of the Communication University of China, the editorialdepartment of the “Global Media and China” English journal, and the preparationgroup of the Cross-International Journal of Asian Creative Practices. TheUniversity of Communication Arts of China Communication University, theInternational League for Higher Education in Communication, and Acer Chinajointly undertake the project. The theme of the conference will be “Media, Artsand Culture”, which provides a basic research platform for cultural analysisand cultural theory inquiry focused on media and arts, encouraging innovativemethods and advanced theories. Development to promote the development of mediaand art research. The conference invited top internationally renowned scholarsin the field of media and members of the international editorial board of theEnglish magazine "Global Media and China" to carry out multi-anglethinking on the direction of media, art and culture, with a view to opening upnew directions to explore media, art and culture. Multiple relationships,together to discuss the hot front and create the future.


9:30am – 12:00am, 8 June 2018

·Opening Ceremony9:30am 10:30am)·

Place: 4K-UHD Studio of CUC   

· Opening Lightwire Dance  

· Opening Address  

Prof. Liao Xiangzhong, President ofCommunication University of China

Mr. PARK In-Kook, President of KoreaFoundation for Advanced Studies

Moderator: Prof. Ding Junjie, Director ofAsian Media Research CentreCommunication University of China

Traditional Chinese Dance ·

Musical Show

Group Photos and Break  

Keynote Roundtable Discussion 1

10:30am –12:00pm

Creative Practices and Theory Around theGlobe

Place: 4K-UHD Studio of CUC

Prof. Keith Negus University of London

Presentation Title: The Value of Recordingsand the Moral Economy of the Music Industries

Prof. Anthony Fung The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong

Presentation Title: Performance Economy andCultural Intermediaries in China

Prof. Jeroen de Kloet University ofAmsterdam, the Netherlands

Presentation Title: PromiscuousCreativities-Rethinking Creativity and Originality in a Globalized China

Chair: Prof. Duan Peng Chief OperatingOfficer of Asia Asian Media Research Centre, Dean of theFaculty of Arts, Directorof Mobile Internet & Social Media Centre, Communication University of China

Respondent: Prof. Mori Yoshitaka TokyoUniversity of the Arts, Japan

Lunch12:00pm 2:00pm)·

Place: CUC International Convention Center

2:00pm – 5:20pm, 8 June 2018

Keynote Roundtable Discussion 2

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Cultural Consumption and Music Industries

Place: 4K-UHD Studio of CUC 

Prof. Mori Yoshitaka Tokyo University ofthe Arts, Japan

Presentation Title: Toward a Post-MediaTheory in Asia

Prof. Kim Eun mee Seoul NationalUniversity, South Korea

Presentation Title: Cultural Consumption ina Hyper-connected Society

Prof. Patrik Wikstrom Queensland Universityof Technology, Australia

Presentation Title: Digitisation and theDiversity Dynamics of Popular Music Research

Prof. Shin Hyun joon Sungkonghoe University, South Korea

Presentation Title: Suffering From theSuccess?: After the Rise of South Korean Music Industry 

Chair: Prof. Liang Yan Secretary-general ofInternational League of Higher Education in Media andCommunication, Director ofInternational Exchange and Cooperation, Communication University of China

Respondent: Prof. Justin O'Connor MonashUniversity, Austrilia 

Tea Break 3:30pm 3:50pm 

Keynote Roundtable Discussion 3

3:50pm – 5:20pm

Creative Industry and the Creative Class inAsia

Place: 4K-UHD Studio of CUC 

Prof. Justin O'Connor Monash University,Austrilia

Presentation Title: Cultural CreativeIndustries in a CIvilisational State

Associate Prof. Chow Yiu Fai Hong Kong BaptistUniversity

Presentation Title: Caring in Times ofPrecarity: A Study of Single Women Doing Creative Work in Shanghai

Prof. Han Jae guen Dongguk University

Presentation Title: Transnational LiveMusic Industry Collaborations between the UK, South Korea and China

Senior Lecturer. Haekyung Um University ofLiverpool, England

Presentation Title: Global Forms and LocalContents: Korean Music Reality Shows, Asian Values and Media Transnatiionalism

Chair: Prof. Wen Chunying AssociateDirector of Asian Media Research Centre, CommunicationUniversity of China

Respondent: Research Prof. Shin Hyun joon Sungkonghoe University, South Korea 

9:00am – 12:20am, 9 June 2018

Keynote Roundtable Discussion 4

9:00am – 10:30am

Cross-International Understanding of AsianCreative Practices

Place: CUC International Convention Center

Prof. Jeroen de Kloet, University ofAmsterdam, Netherlands

Prof. Keith Negus, University of London

Prof. Anthony Fung, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong

Prof. Mori Yoshitaka, Tokyo University ofthe Arts, Japan

Prof. Justin O'Connor, Monash University,Austrilia

Associate Prof. Chow Yiu Fai, Hong KongBaptist University

Prof. Patrik Wikstrom, QueenslandUniversity of Technology, Australia

Research Prof. Shin Hyun joon, SungkonghoeUniversity, South Korea

Senior Lecturer. Haekyung Um, University ofLiverpool, England

Senior Manager Li Yan, Senior AccountManager, Springer Press

Zhao Chong, Scientific and AcademicResearch, Clarivate Analytics

Chair: Associate Prof. Zhang Qian, Facultyof Art, Communication University of China 

Respondent: Dr.Han Xiao, CommunicationUniversity of China 

Tea Break 10:30am 10:50am

Keynote Roundtable Discussion 5

10:50am – 12:20pm

Media and Communication in a GlobalizedChina

Place: CUC International Convention Center 

Prof. Anthony Fung, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong

Prof. Li Benqian, Dean of Journalism andCommunication, Department,Shanghai Jiaotong University

Prof. Jiang Fei, School of InternationalJournalism and Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Prof. Jin Jianbin, School of Journalism andCommunication Tsinghua University

Chair: Prof. Zhang Lei, CommunicationUniversity of China

Respondent: Prof. Luo Qing, CommunicationUniversity of China

Lunch12:00pm 2:00pm)·

Place: CUC International Convention Center

Guests leave 
