Volunteers Needed in CUC Media Museum


A new term recruitment of volunteers for commentating in CUC Media Museum is ongoing. The volunteers are expected to require introduction to the visitors in extracurricular time.
1. Passion for communication, responsibility and self-discipline.
2. Love for interpretation, volunteer and media.
3. Freshman or sophomore in CUC (from any major).
4. Work for three hours every week (in extracurricular time).
1. Volunteers serving for more than 50 hours in all will deserve a volunteer certificate issued by CUC Media Museum.
2. Joining the team activities for investigating and visiting to other museums at the working semester.
Time: Until 12:00, March 21, 2018
1.  Click the Link
to Fill in the Application Form
2.  Follow the Wechat Official Account of CUC Media Museum for Later Information of Acceptance Notification
Tel: 65783696-806