A Sharing Activity from Nordic Film Festival’s Director


Date: March 12 - Monday

Time: 18:00

Venue: CUC Multiple-use Building, Room1404

Language: English

Speaker BiographyNanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, an Icelandic screenwriter director, producer, actresses, with magnum opuses including Hjartasteinn and XL will share her ideas about films at CUC.

Nanna Kristín has won the nomination of excellent screenwriter for Nordic film and Television Awards for her performance in the film StellaBlómkvist. And the second short film she wrote and directed by herself, named Cub in English, has won the best short film award in many film festivals such as RIFF, the Icelandic Edda, Flickerfest, and ÉCU.

 Students who are keen on movies can’t miss the chance!


Written by Zhu Ningjie
