What can Japanese Televeison do when natural disasters occurred
Date:November 23, 2017 - Thursday
Time: 18:00
Venue: The Lecture Hall of Advertising Museum
Speaker Biography: Misaki Sato Shigeki joined TBS in 1995 and worked for 20 years in the Press Bureau, serving as journalist, director and producer of the Social Intelligence Department of the Census Bureau and editor-in-chief of JNN noon news.
Introduction:In Japan, where natural disasters occur frequently, the negative reporting of disasters may result in the loss of "trust" and "support" from the audience. Disaster reports require the whole staff to work together concertedly. TBS conducts "Earthquake Training" on a regular basis so that "earthquakes" and "calmness" will be handled when the earthquake really occurs.The TBS's goal is to deliver "accurate, prompt" messages to audiences and to deliver stories that save more lives.
By Gong Qian