【Lecture】Soyoung Kim: East Asian Trade and Financial Integration and Cooperation

Author:     2018-05-17

Date: May 17 - Thursday

Time: 18:00 -19:50

Venue: Room B701, Building 48

Language: Korean(Translator: Zhong Yiyuan)

Speaker Biography:

Soyoung Kim, a renowned South Korean economist and Professor of economics at the Seoul National University, he received a master's degree and a Ph. D. in economics from Yale University. Soyoung Kim has taught at the University of Illinois in America and Korea University in South Korea. He awarded various honors and awards including Best South Korean economist under 40 age-- Kim tae-cheng research award and took part in multiple financial institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). Soyoung Kim also serves with important positions in various financial associations like Korea-America economic association, Korean international institute of finance and etc. Soyoung Kim’s research field covers international finance, macro-economics, monetary economics and financial economics.

