【Lecture】Marsha Wang: From AlphaGo to Corporate Communication and Corporate Branding

Author:     2018-04-23

Date: April 23, 2018 - Monday
Time: 15:20 - 16:50
Venue: Advertisement Museum Lecture Hall
Language: Chinese


Whether for Go or for artificial intelligence, Google AlphaGo's epic ‘Man vs Machine’ battles are landmark events. AlphaGo's match with Lee Sedol brought artificial intelligence into the public eye and made Go, an acient sport originated in China, rejuvenated. Marsha Wang not only has a deep exploration of Go, but also has conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as how artificial intelligence can benefit people. As the person in charge of organizing the two ‘Man vs Machine’ battles in China, Marsha Mang will share with you the stories behind the highly anticipated competitions.

Speaker Biography:

Marsha Wang, head of Google's Corporate Communication Department in China, has more than two decades of working experience in the communication industry. Prior to joining Google, she worked at IBM, Intel, and Apple.

