2017 Chinese Culture Industries Award Ceremony

Author:     2017-12-31

Date and Time:

18:00, December 31st to 0:15, January 1st 


CUC Studio

Brief introduction:

The Faculty of Economics and Management at Communication University of China (CUC) will hold this cultural awards ceremony by the end of this year to promote the country's cultural industries.
With the theme of "Cultural Power in the New Era: Award Ceremony of Chinese Culture Industries," the event, the only domestic celebration of China's cultural industries, will take place on New Year's Eve.
For the first time, this year's webcast will involve the participation of numerous internet celebrities.
The ceremony will be held at the CUC in a gala event that will recognize major contributions in nine major cultural industries. The guest list includes celebrities, company executives and key industrial and academic stakeholders. They will gather together to focus and comment on the popular cultural topics of 2017 before looking forward to the promise of 2018.