Films of the Week in China Media Museum (12.18-12.25)

Author:     2017-12-18
This week two films Da Hu Fa and In the Corner of the World will be on show at the Media Museum.

Da Hu Fa
A warrior named Da Hufa goes to save his prince from a dystopian village. He finds the dystopian village ruled by a fake God and his guards. In order to save the prince, Da hufa has to defeat the God and his men and discloses the whole conspiracy.

In the corner of the world

Set in Hiroshima during World War II, an eighteen-year-old girl gets married and now has to prepare food for her family despite the rationing and lack of supplies. As she struggles with the daily loss of life's amenities she still has to maintain the will to live.

Screening schedule:
Monday to Wednesday
12:30 Da Hu Fa
14:05 In the corner of the world
Thursday to Friday
12:30 In the corner of the world
14:40 Da Hu Fa

PS.China Media Museum is on the B1 of the library
The cinema is in the hall 1 of the museum movie area
(You need to enter the museum first)