Football Match Previews
Author: 2017-10-16
1. Squads: Faculty of Journalism and Communication VS School of International Studies
Masters VS ICUC
Time: At 16:00 , 16-10-2017, Monday
2. Squads: Faculty of Science and Technology VS Vocational and Technical School
School of Presentation Art VS Advertising School
Time: At 16:00, 17-10-2017, Tuesday
3. Squads: Masters VS Faculty of Journalism and Communication
Teachers Team VS Faculty of Arts
Time: The First Match: At 14:00, 18-10-2017, Wednesday
The Second Match: At 16:00, 18-10-2017, Wednesday
4. Squads: Advertising School VS Vocational and Technical School
Faculty of Economics and Management VS ICUC
Time: The First Match: At 14:00, 19-10-2017, Thursday
The Second Match: At 16:00, 19-10-2017, Thursday