"China in the Lens" Dialogue between Chinese and Foreign Internet Talents was held at CUC

On July 26, the China in the Lens dialogue between Chinese and foreign network celebrities was held at Communication University of China. The dialogue was jointly organized by the Communication University of Chinas Chinese and Foreign Journalists Exchange Research Center and the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Yang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Communication University of China, delivered a speech. After completing a nearly one-month

On July 26, the China in the Lens dialogue between Chinese and foreign network celebrities was held at Communication University of China. The dialogue was jointly organized by the Communication University of China's Chinese and Foreign Journalists Exchange Research Center and the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Yang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Communication University of China, delivered a speech. After completing a nearly one-month field trip in China, 21 foreign network celebrities from 19 countries held a dialogue with 10 Chinese network celebrities on the theme of China in the Lens.

In his speech, Yang Yi expressed his expectations for this dialogue and the Internet celebrities with three sentences: Reading thousands of books is like traveling thousands of miles, Climbing high and waving, your arms do not become longer, but people can see you from far away; calling with the wind does not make your voice faster, but people can hear you clearly, and It is a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. He said that the travel photos of Internet celebrities have allowed netizens around the world to see a beautiful China, a cultural China, a technological China, and a fashionable China, showing a vivid, friendly, and enthusiastic image of China. The communication of Internet celebrities with personal experience and value integration has surpassed algorithms and data, and has aroused great resonance in the Internet space. I believe that through everyone's continuous display and promotion, more friends will want to experience the charm of China in person.

Wang Hongyu, executive director of the China-Foreign Journalists Exchange Research Center, and teacher Cao Pengwei hosted the speech and sharing session

Five internet celebrities from Mexico, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Malaysia and Honduras shared their insights on field trips.

Mexican blogger Maurice Adrian Dick Catas said that the Chinese way of looking at things and the importance they place on traditional culture are extremely valuable, and that only by coming to China can one truly understand China.

Tunisian blogger Amin Muwaleshi mentioned that China is a safe and charming country. During his trip, he not only discovered ancient temples, wonderful cities and interesting art and drama performances, but also felt the friendliness and sincerity of the Chinese people.

Irada Gadirova, an Azerbaijani blogger, said that due to the one-sided reports of some media, she had many stereotypes about China. But after actually visiting China, she found that it was a thriving country.

Malaysian blogger Guo Xianen said that China is three-dimensional and multifaceted, and China's rapidly developing new technologies are actually improving the lives of its people.

Honduran blogger Giselle Armada Lanza Rodríguez said that from the ancient Great Wall to today's modern scientific and technological development, China's development is not only a reflection of tenacious perseverance and team spirit, but also a reflection of the Chinese people's beautiful vision for the future.

Yuan Qingpan, chief editor of China Daily short videos, head of Dapan Studio, and social politics and technology blogger, shared his experience in operating a self-media account in his speech, and gave examples of how to stimulate more people's interest and love for technology and manufacturing by producing the Treasure Factory series of videos.

Qiu Ling, a Chinese online blogger and blogger of Lingzi's World Channel, shared his understanding of Beautiful China from three aspects, emphasizing that Beautiful China is not just a collection of landscapes, but also a perfect fusion of cultural heritage and natural scenery.

 Li Fangni, a teacher from the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, hosted a dialogue session with Chinese and foreign Internet celebrities

In the theme dialogue session, Chinese and foreign Internet celebrities spoke freely and the atmosphere was lively and warm. Everyone discussed the four units of Charming China, Cultural China, Technology China and Fashion China. In the Charming China unit, Internet celebrities shared their most impressive Chinese stories, not only the harmonious coexistence of ancient and modern buildings, but also the strong atmosphere of Chinese people on the streets; in the Cultural China unit, foreign Internet celebrities mentioned that the enthusiasm and friendliness of the Chinese people left a deep impression on them, and the sincere smiles and hello and thank you that the Chinese people often said warmed their journey in China; in the Technology China unit, Internet celebrities discussed the rapid development of advanced technologies such as high-speed rail, new energy, mobile payment and drones, saying that Chinese technology and Chinese products are China's powerful cultural business cards, and China's development is not only about speed, but also about quality; in the Fashion China unit, foreign Internet celebrities talked about the new national trend clothing, folk makeup art and modern street life, and shared their understanding and love of ancient and modern Chinese cultural trends. During the dialogue, Chinese and foreign Internet celebrities continued to deepen their mutual understanding and friendship, and jointly promoted the exchange and progress of civilizations between countries.

Hou Jun, Party Secretary of the National Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Communication, Guo Xiaoke, Deputy Director, Jiao Jie, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily New Media Center, Xu Li, Wang Muyi, Wang Xiaochuan, Shen Shiwei, multilingual anchors and reporters of China Central Radio and Television (CGTN), Duan Wei, blogger of Sima Pingbang Channel, Yang Lan, blogger of Yuantai Channel, as well as some students from the school's Baiyang Class of International Communication and the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures attended the dialogue.