Our teachers and students won the gold medal of the American Muse Design Award

(通讯员 英子)近日,由中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院教师团队设计的文创包装设计作品《彭祖山不老酒》,在激烈的国际竞争中脱颖而出,荣获2024美国缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)包装设计类金奖。这也是我校动画与数字艺术学院作品首次在国际创意设计包装类赛道荣获大奖。美国缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)由美国国际奖项协会(IAA)创建,是全球创意设计领域内极具影响力的奖项之一,素有“设计界的奥斯卡”之称。该奖项致力于发掘和推广全球范围内的创意设计师,推动设计行业的创新发展。本次获奖作品《彭祖山不老酒》是由动画系徐若昭老师和刘嫱博士共同设计,创作灵感汲取自中华优秀传统文化中关于彭祖的典故与传说。彭祖山,位于四川彭山区,也是彭祖的诞生地,是长寿文化的象征。该作品的设计理念以“酒”的象形文字为起点,巧妙融合了青竹、山峦、十二地支与彭祖长寿文化等元素,在现代设计理念的重新诠释下,不仅彰显了中国文化的深厚底蕴,也展现了国潮设计的更多可能。此作品的获奖,不仅是对设计团队创新精神和专业能力的肯定,也为动画与数字艺术学院动漫衍生设计和国潮设计的教学与人才培养提供了新的思

(Reporter Yingzi) Recently, the cultural and creative packaging design work Pengzu Mountain Bulao Wine designed by the teacher team of the School of Animation and Digital Arts of Communication University of China stood out in the fierce international competition and won the gold award in the packaging design category of the 2024 MUSE Design Awards. This is also the first time that the works of our teachers and students have won a grand prize in the international creative design packaging track.

The MUSE Design Awards was created by the International Awards Association (IAA) of the United States. It is one of the most influential awards in the field of global creative design and is known as the Oscars of the design world. The award is dedicated to discovering and promoting creative designers around the world and promoting the innovative development of the design industry.

The winning work Pengzu Mountain Immortal Wine was designed by Professor Xu Ruozhao and Dr. Liu Qiang from the Animation Department. The inspiration for the creation was drawn from the allusions and legends about Pengzu in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Pengzu Mountain, located in Pengshan District, Sichuan, is also the birthplace of Pengzu and a symbol of longevity culture. The design concept of this work takes the pictograph of wine as the starting point, and cleverly combines elements such as green bamboo, mountains, twelve earthly branches and Pengzu's longevity culture. Under the reinterpretation of modern design concepts, it not only highlights the profound heritage of Chinese culture, but also shows more possibilities of national trend design.

The award of this work is not only a recognition of the innovative spirit and professional ability of the design team, but also provides new ideas for the teaching and talent training of animation derivative design and national trend design in the School of Animation and Digital Arts. The innovative design language it conveys has opened up a new path for the modern expression of traditional culture, and also presented the unique charm of Chinese culture to global audiences.
