Vice President Chai Jianping led a team to Microsoft China for a discussion and research

(通讯员 刘谦)5月16日,党委常委、副校长柴剑平带队赴微软中国考察调研。微软语音产品总监、全球产品负责人丁秉公、微软语音资深产品经理Shawn Qiu介绍了微软语言产品的发展情况,柴剑平一行参观了微软新世界展示中心,并详细了解了相关创新成果的研发进展。柴剑平指出,微软是世界著名企业,具有很强的国际影响力,尤其在人工智能领域居于世界领先水平,我校未来的发展,要以世界为坐标,非常需要和微软这样的著名企业合作。中国传媒大学是教育部直属的首批“双一流”建设高校,具有多学科交叉融合的鲜明特色,近年来在国内影响力快速提升,拥有媒体融合与传播国家重点实验室等数个国家级平台。为了积极应对人工智能发展所带来的挑战和机遇,学校及时启动了“人工智能行动计划”,以前所未有的力度、广度和深度扎实推进。柴剑平表示,中传是全国少有的集高等教育和媒体属性于一身的非常典型的高校,是探索未来高等教育和智能传媒教育的最佳场所,双方拥有广阔的合作空间,应进一步加强深度沟通,由点到面,逐步升级,实现双方的共赢。微软全渠道事业部渠道总监郝丹妮主持了座谈会,并对中国传媒大学调研团队表示欢迎。丁秉公介绍了微软在人工智能语音技术的创

(Reporter Liu Qian) On May 16, Chai Jianping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the University, led a team to visit Microsoft China for an investigation and research. Ding Binggong, Director of Microsoft Voice Products and Global Product Manager, and Shawn Qiu, Senior Product Manager of Microsoft Voice, introduced the development of Microsoft's language products. Chai Jianping and his team visited the Microsoft New World Exhibition Center and learned in detail about the research and development progress of related innovative achievements.

Chai Jianping pointed out that Microsoft is a world-renowned company with strong international influence, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, which is at the world's leading level. The future development of our school should be based on the world, and it is very necessary to cooperate with famous companies like Microsoft. Communication University of China is one of the first batch of double first-class universities directly under the Ministry of Education. It has the distinctive characteristics of multidisciplinary cross-integration. In recent years, its influence in China has increased rapidly. It has several national platforms such as the National Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Communication. In order to actively respond to the challenges and opportunities brought by the development of artificial intelligence, the school has timely launched the Artificial Intelligence Action Plan and has made solid progress with unprecedented strength, breadth and depth. Chai Jianping said that Communication University of China is a very typical university that combines higher education and media attributes in the country. It is the best place to explore future higher education and intelligent media education. The two sides have broad space for cooperation and should further strengthen in-depth communication, from point to surface, and gradually upgrade to achieve a win-win situation for both sides.

Hao Danni, Channel Director of Microsoft's Omnichannel Division, hosted the symposium and welcomed the research team from Communication University of China. Ding Binggong introduced the innovative development and trends of Microsoft's artificial intelligence voice technology, as well as Microsoft's responsible artificial intelligence principles to ensure that the development of technology always benefits mankind. Qiu Shuo, senior product manager of Microsoft Voice, demonstrated multiple application cases of Microsoft voice products in the media industry. Both parties look forward to leveraging their respective advantages and empowering the industry through cooperation and innovative technologies.

At the symposium, representatives from both sides had in-depth exchanges on the standards of voice products in language learning, voice evaluation, the relationship between the development of artificial intelligence technology and media education, the construction of large model knowledge bases, the explainability of speech synthesis, and cooperation models with colleges and universities.

The research team visited Microsoft New World, learned in detail about their product research and development, and experienced the application effects of multiple products.

The investigation was participated by administrative functional departments such as the Undergraduate School, Graduate School, Scientific Research Office, Discipline Construction and Development Planning Office, and Informatization Office, as well as heads of teaching and research units such as the School of Drama, Film and Television, School of Broadcasting and Hosting Arts, School of Music and Recording Arts, School of Information and Communication Engineering, School of Data Science and Intelligent Media, and School of Foreign Languages and Cultures.
